Sunday, September 30, 2012


Title: Proposal
Date: 9/30/12
Topic: Proposition 30
Exigence: Our country is in a serious economic crisis and an education has become increasingly more difficult to obtain for so many because of the incredibly low budget schools are forced to run on, along with the budget cuts every school is being forced to cut out faculty, students, and programs making it almost unattainable for so many in a state where anything should be attainable.
Audience: Teachers, Students, Voters, Parents, Non-voters, undecided voters, and uninformed voters
Purpose: Make it apparent to everyone in California that our public education system is in serious trouble and show him or her how and why Prop. 30 must be passed in order to ensure a bright future for everyone.
Claim: If Prop. 30 doesn’t pass, Cabrillo will face an additional cut of 7.3 %, losing space for 780 full time students, cutting one in thirteen classes, and eliminating five average sized programs or majors…THE CONSEQUENSES ARE DEVASTATING.

Strategy 1: Logical reasoning I will use include facts: 250$ million cut to CSU is prevented if Prop. 30 passes, avoids class cuts, layoffs, and enrollment cuts. $5.6 billion in funding is freed up for higher education, health care, or any other services.
 If Prop 30 doesn’t pass, K-12 schools get cut $5.5 billion, which will cut three weeks of school. CSU’s get cut $250 million, resulting in cuts, layoffs, and staff and enrollment cuts. CSU students could face an additional $150 tuition increase for classes this spring. If Prop. 30 doesn’t pass, Cabrillo will face an additional cut of 7.3 %, losing space for 780 full time students, cutting one in thirteen classes, and eliminating five average sized programs or majors. Noting that since 07-08, Cabrillo has already had to cut 400 classes, classes in nearly every discipline, course offerings have decreased by 10% since fall 11’, and tutoring staff, services, and hours were all reduced.
Reader’s Effect: Reader will see statistically what is happening to our education system and realize what this crisis has been doing and what it will continue to do to education in California whether it is grade school, community college, or California State University.

 Strategy 2: My second strategy in order to show my credibility, I will explain that I am enrolled at Cabrillo College and have been a student here for three years. I have seen first hand how these budget cuts have affected me personally and my educational experience at school. Class options are being cut, fewer options for a variety of teachers for different subjects, price of tuition continues to skyrocket, and the ridiculous class sizes we are seeing at the beginning of every semester.
Reader’s Effect: After reading and understanding from a first hand experience what these budget cuts are doing the reader will understand that in order for education to be how it is supposed to be and what it actually is right now one will be put in the position to see what the two sides are to Prop. 30 and better understand what needs to happen in order for education to come back to California schools.

Strategy 3: My third strategy will be to use emotion by explaining my education experience and how I plan to continue on going to college while transferring to a CSU and get an education. Having been at Cabrillo for three years, the tuition continually increases every semester I have enrolled, while it feels like I paying for opportunities to be taken away. Schedules and classes are being cut and dropped, teachers, custodians, substitutes, and tutors are losing jobs, and classes have become so large that it is uncommon for classes to have more desks than students inside of them. I plan on transferring to a CSU and by reveling these facts, statistics, and sharing my own experience apart of the education system and all of the benefits the state of California should see from Prop. 30 if passed should show how much California can gain from this and how much debt we can erase from this budget crisis and really begin to reevaluate education and begin educating the right way in such a wonderful place.

1 comment:

  1. Great job here! I really like how you are strategically connecting the dots between your argument and the effect on the audience. Well done. I might add that your third strategy is a great place to find 'common ground' with your audience given your stance. For example, you are a hard working committed student, ready to take on the responsibilities of a productive life and yet what kind of commitment are you experiencing from the state, from the public? After reading this, it seems to me like it might feel a bit discouraging to be a student now, with so many aspects of your education being dismantled, and that perhaps your hope for the future is clearly linked to how the public responds to this proposition....remember your future is our collective future.
