Sunday, November 25, 2012

Rough Draft Formal Paper #2

November 25, 2012

Dear Head of Television Advertisements,

Being an American in today’s society one is bombarded by advertisements and commercials constantly from the media. Many of the ads do a great job at showing a false idea of body image for both genders (men and women). Ads also seem to contribute to idea of the gender gap and show the way men and women are still unequal in society, we see men almost always as dominant or violent in the media. It is common to see women with so much makeup and digitally altered bodies to make then look desirable to millions, when realistically it is physically impossible to even look the way you show them. I’m writing this today to bring this problem into the light and hopefully reveal this to all Americans and eventually change what we are seeing men and women in the media and advertisements and reverse this false idea of the “ideal American” and away from the materialistic American society.

Advertisements are a way of showing the public a message or something a company wants to try and get the public to buy. We see plenty of advertisements for things like toys, electronics, cars, restaurants, etc. But we also see endless amounts of commercials for beauty products, diet programs and weight loss formulas trying to get us fall for the unattainable standard of “beauty” in America. Advertisements are so profuse that it is impossible to ignore them and the altered images gradually become the definition of beauty. This beauty standard is born and the need to attain it becomes the common goal for so many boys and girls around the time of puberty.  The competition for the unattainable body image leads to self-consciousness, as many wonder how others view each other and whether or not they have achieved this “beauty image” which takes a toll on people constantly being judged and at times ranked solely on one’s body image.

Rather than continuing to show the unattainable body image for men and women it would make more sense to show men and women that are healthy, that are real and not digitally altered. The effects that the media and advertisements have on humans, both men and women are very serious. Americans become surrounded by the image of what their bodies should look like and in order to reach it many people are hurting themselves by eating unhealthily if even eating at all creating life threatening eating disorders, while some turn to drugs and alcohol abuse nonetheless, both creating an immense amount of mental and physical damage to oneself. If we can change this tradition and reverse these advertisements by showing healthy bodies and photos that are not digitally altered, we can shift the ideals to a more healthy and attainable body image for everyone while at the same time lower rates of eating disorders, violence, and drug abuse. It only makes sense to show the public images of people that are healthy and really do exist, not the false idea of what American’s “should” look like.

For example, in Jean Kilbourne’s article: Two Ways a Woman Can Get Hurt: Advertising and Violence, she points out that woman are being portrayed in advertising as sexual objects and also inferior to the more dominant gender being males. Kilbourne makes a claim that, “all girls growing up in this culture are sexually abused- abused by the pornographic images of female sexuality that surround them from birth, abused by the violence against women and girls…(598)” Kilbourne goes on to explain that this type of abuse is not as bad as obviously being abused or physically raped however, it does hurt and sets girls up for addictions and self destructive behavior. Noting that girls turn to food, alcohol, cigarettes, and other drugs in a misguided attempt to cope (598). I bring this up because advertising is only part of what our cultural context is showing us, but nonetheless an important part and thus is what traumatizes and changes lives for so many people because it is something we are surrounded by on a day to day basis.

Similarly, in an article from Obesity & Health the author points out that media messages in three ways create a distorted picture of reality. All of which adversely affect women and have contributed to the prevalence of eating disorders, says Karin Jasper, PhD, Women's Center, Toronto. By showing women along with food and weight issues, the media causes problems by: frequently propagating myths and falsehoods, normalizing or even glamorizing what is abnormal or unhealthy, and creating a false impression of homogeneity by failing to represent whole segments of the real world. With this being said your advertisements are myths showing the world false information about what the body must look like to be accepted even while showing us before and after pictures of what is despised in this society and what you should be looking like with the product, pills, program, or whatever else it may be these companies are trying to put into these young teens head.

Having grown up in public schools and now in community college I have met plenty of men and women that have been fooled into believing these advertisements and try to follow this false idea of the unattainable body image. What I have seen and experienced is real and it is saddening. Girls that I talk to feel that they are fat and don’t look good most of the time because of this idea that girls must be wearing the least amount of clothing possible and should have make-up on and should be slim and slender and if none of that applies, then men will most likely not even notice you let alone want to talk to you or be seen around you. I hear so often from female friends, “I’m so fat” or “ I need to work out” or “I’m going on a diet” when these girls are clearly not fat nor do they need to be on any kind of a diet but rather what has been engraved in their head is a false idea that must be achieved, which we know is impossible. Yes, the results can be ugly, I have a few friends that are damaged by these false ideals and have eating disorders and have even seen drug abuse due to the idea that she couldn’t achieve “the perfect body” without them. Obviously these results are traumatizing and it is clear that the body image we see in the media and in advertisements is impossible and unattainable for everyone without the help of chemicals resulting in immense health issues or with the help of technology to digitally alter the body in a way that cannot be achieved by anyone.

Although not everyone in America faces this issue and is affected by the idea of the unattainable body image, it is something that millions of people are having trouble with and it must be confronted and eventually reversed. Clearly, Americans come in many different shapes and sizes and it is impossible to show this large diverse group as having one established standard of beauty or perfect shape that everyone must achieve in order to be considered beautiful or good looking in this society. There has been this established standard of beauty that really doesn’t exist. We shouldn’t care much about what society says; about how men and women should look like. We have to look like what makes us as individuals happy, as long as that is healthy. If you are healthy and feel good about yourself, who is society to tell you how and what you should look like. We must be who we are regardless of the media that is constantly trying to change our ideas of what we should look like. Unfortunately we live in a world that is trying to convince us that we don’t look right, that we should change our appearances whether it is plastic surgery, a certain diet, drugs, or eating disorders to change our bodies to look “acceptable” and up to par to the standards of “beauty” in America. This harsh reality has made me question what I have learned from the media and this propaganda that I continue to see on a daily basis. Because at the end of the day we all need to be who we are because all of our differences is what beauty really looks like. We need to understand to love one another for who we are and not what society wants or thinks we should look like.


Ian Marting

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Annotated Bibliography Formal Paper #2

Annotated Bibliography Formal Paper #2

"False Media Messages." Obesity & Health 8.1 (1994): 5. Academic Search Complete. Web. 18 Nov. 2012.

       In this article from Obesity & Health Media the author explains that messages in three ways create a distorted picture of reality. All of which adversely affect women and has contributed to the prevalence of eating disorders, says Karin Jasper, PhD, Women's Center, Toronto. By portraying women, food and weight issues, the media causes problems by: 1) frequently propagating myths and falsehoods; 2) normalizing or even glamorizing what is abnormal or unhealthy; 3) and creating a false impression of homogeneity by failing to represent whole segments of the real world.

Kilbourne, Jean. Media Selection. “Two Ways a Woman Can Get Hurt: Advertising and Violence”.Rereading America: Eighth Edition. Text. 18 Nov. 2012.

      In this selection taken from her 1999 book, “Can’t Buy My Love: How Advertising Changes the Way We Think and Feel, Kilbourne argues that ads affect us in profound and potentially damaging ways. She says the way ads portray bodies, especially women’s bodies-as objects conditions us to see each other in dehumanizing ways, thus “normalizing” attitudes can lead to sexual aggression. Kilbourne also argues that this abuse does damage to women, “it sets up girls for additions and self-destructive behavior. Many girls turn to food, alcohol, cigarettes, and other drugs in a misguided attempt to cope.”

Arnold, Carrie. "Inside Wrong Body." Scientific American Mind 23.2 (2012): 36-41. Academic Search Complete. Web. 18 Nov. 2012.

         In this article the author focuses on body image and the role of interoception, something many people do not know exists. Interoception is the awareness of the internal state of one's body. Interoception informs us of emotions, pain, thirst, hunger and one’s body temperature. It states that many people have negative body image views which could be due to pictures portrayed by media in advertising. The greater contribution from interoception, the better body image one has. The article also highlights that distorted body image known as body dysmorphia can range from mild worries to delusional misinterpretation of one's shape and size. The author also states that the impact of distorted body image is widespread. Almost half of adolescent girls report being dissatisfied with their appearance, and the number of males reporting serious body image dissatisfaction is also on the rise. With these comes negative consequences and many have eating disorders and become unhealthy and in the worst cases turn to drugs and alcohol in result of body image and the inside and outside factors we face on a day to day basis.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

RA #3 From Fly-Girls to Bitches and Ho's

Title: From Fly Girls to Bitches and Ho’s
Author: Joan Morgan
Date: November 4, 2012
Topic: Examine the causes of violence and sexism within the lyrics of rap music.

Exigence: As a music writer and fan of hip hop, Morgan argues that the misogyny of rap is a symptom of crisis in the black community and it must be confronted and understood, rather than simply looking away from it and putting it behind us. If looked at deeply and trying to better understand the music it is a step toward healing the pain that it expresses and also inflicts.
Intended Audience: Most American’s, students, fans of Hip-hop
Purpose: To identify and eliminate the negativity and objectification towards women that is portrayed so strongly through hip-hop music and better understand where so much of these attitudes come from.
Claim: Black folks in America are living and trying to love in a war zone battling against sexism. As it is portrayed as part of the problem, rap music is essential to that struggle because it takes us straight to the battlefield.
Main Evidence: “Sad to say it, but many of the ways in which men exploit our images and sexuality in hip-hop is done with our permission and cooperation” (605).

“We desperately need a space to lovingly address the uncomfortable issues of our failing self-esteem, the ways we sexualize and objectify ourselves, our confusion about sex and love and the unhealthy, unloving, unsisterly ways we treat each other.  Commitment to developing these spaces gives our community the potential for remedies based on honest, clear diagnoses” (606-607).

Writer strategy 1: One mode Morgan uses is description. She describes a lot of things that are going on within black communities and shows us the alarming numbers that have to do with black-on-black crime and violence. As she describes, “my decision to expose myself to the sexism of Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, or the Notorious B.I.G. is really my plea to my brothers to tell me who they are. Why is disrespecting me one of the few things that make them feel like men? What’s the haps, what are you going through on the daily that got you acting so foul?” By using Pathos along with the description mode and stating them as questions it really helps the reader understand the context and also wonder why these things happen and for what reasons.

Writer strategy 2: Another mode Morgan uses is Cause and Effect. She uses the hip-hop music to show how the effect comes from what is being caused. As she writes, “This is crystal clear to me when I’m listening to hip-hop. Yeah, sistas are hurt when we hear brothers calling us bitched and hos. But the real crime isn’t the name-calling, its their failure to love us- to be our brothers in the way that we commit ourselves to being their sistas. Any man who doesn’t truly love himself is incapable of loving us in the healthy way we need to be loved.” Making it apparent to us that there is deeper meaning to these songs and music we hear and even goes on to explain this as a war. “Black men are engaged in a war where the real enemies- racism and the white power structure- are masters of camouflage. They’ve conditioned our men to believe the enemy is brown.” She goes on to even say, “for too many black men there is no trust, no community, no family. Just self.” It is very true and these effects are serious and having a devastating result among black communities and we continue to battle this “war”.

Response: I really enjoyed this reading it was something very serious and not something many people choose to bring up and especially rare when looking at rap lyrics and songs. Morgan did a good job at really making connections between the lives and underlying reasons behind the scenes why these men feel the way they do and what makes them express themselves the way they do so uniquely. I feel it is important to take a look at the songs and lyrics and better understand rap and hip hop in order to better understand the rates of homicide amongst black males and stop the mistreatment of women.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Readers Response #2 :Kimmel

    “Bros Before Hos”: The Guy Code is an excerpt from the book Guyland: The Perilous World Where Boys Become Me, written by Michael Kimmel. He examines young men and how the world has influenced the way act and looks at the negative effects it has on children and young adults along the way to becoming “masculine men.” As Kimmel writes, “this is the “Guy Code,” the collection of attitudes, values, and traits that together composes what it means to be a man.”(609)
    In 1976, social psychologist Robert Brannon summarized four basic rules of masculinity that have only changed very little among high school and college age men. The four rules are: 1)“No Sissy Stuff!” or not being perceived as weak, effeminate, or gay. 2) “Be A Big Wheel” referring to the success and power of masculinity measured as wealth, power, and status. 3) “Be a Sturdy Oak” meaning that masculinity means not to be able to respond fully and appropriately to a situation but rather be an inanimate object such as a rock, pillar, or tree. 4) “Give ‘em Hell” make one feel as if you are always daring and showing aggression, living life on the edge and to take risks while paying no attention to what others think. (609-610)
    When Kimmel asked boys what it was in their childhood what it was to be a man and what masculine influences they have had in their life his answer was consistent: “Guys hear the voices of men in their life: fathers, coaches, brothers, uncles, and grandfathers- to inform their ideas of masculinity.” This seemed reasonable and wasn’t extremely surprising, what was though was that Kimmel found out that many men follow these ideals of masculinity not because they want to impress women, but to rather get positively evaluated by other men. “Masculinity is largely a “homosocial” experience: performed for, and judged by, other men.
    Something I found really interesting in this reading was a stat found by Kimmel. He states that, “Men ages 19-29 are three times less likely to wear seat belts than women the same age. Before they turn 19 though, young men are actually MORE likely to wear seat belts. It’s as if they suddenly get the idea that as long as they’re driving the car, they’re completely in control, and therefore safe.” I found that statistic scary and also pretty true and could relate. It is just something that seems like is just popping up or happening to kids and all of a sudden changing the way they live and so called become men. It is something that needs to change and needs to be brought up and talked about in order to change and be re-evaluated.
    Kimmel finishes the article by explaining that, “masculinity is a constant test- always up for grabs, always needing to be proved.” Some children are being forced to start early and some learn later but nonetheless boys learn that their connection to mother will emasculate them, and make them a Mama’s boy. “Along the way the feelings they associate with their mother- compassion, nurturance, vulnerability, and dependency. This suppression and repudiation is the origin of the Boy Code.”

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Final Polish: Prop. 30 Op-Ed

Ian Marting
October 14, 2012
English 2

Education Conservation

          Our country is in a serious economic crisis and an education has become increasingly more difficult to obtain for many people because of the incredibly low budget schools are being forced to run on. Along with the budget cuts every school is being forced to cut out faculty, students, and crucial programs making it almost unattainable for so many in a state where anything should be attainable. Proposition 30, proposed by Governor Jerry Brown, would temporarily increase income and sales tax for those in the state of California. If Prop. 30 passes in November we could see the budget gap reduced drastically helping out schools and public safety in California making the “dream” more attainable for everyone.

          Proposition 30 will provide funding for K-12 schools and California’s higher education from a temporary four year income tax increase to individuals earning more that 250,000 dollars or couples together earning 500,000 dollars. More revenue would come from a statewide .25 percent increase on sales tax (25 cents/ $100). 90 percent of Prop. 30’s revenue would be generated from taxing the highest earners to fund public education and safety. If passed, Prop. 30 would fund K-12 schools in California, which would avoid cutting three weeks of school the next school year. In addition, a 250 million dollar cut to CSU’s is prevented which would help avoid class cuts, layoffs and enrollment cuts. 5.6 billion dollars would be freed up which could go to higher education, health care and other services, while a tuition buy-out for this year gets funded which CSU students would actually get a tuition refund of 498 dollars. If Prop. 30 does not pass, those three weeks would be cut out of the school year for K-12 schools creating problems for families and less education for students. CSU’s would face a 250 million dollar cut resulting in many problems such as: class cuts, layoff of faculty, staff, and even more enrollment cuts. CSU students can also expect an additional 150-dollar tuition increase for classes this spring.

          Community colleges are suffering as well, and if Prop. 30 is not passed they will face even more cuts and funding will decrease even more (7.3 %). Already Cabrillo has had to cut about four hundred classes some from every discipline across campus over the past three to four years. Course offerings have decreased by almost ten percent since Fall of 2011. Not to mention that staff, tutors, services, and hours have all been cut or drastically reduced. If Prop. 30 does not pass these trends will continue, while students will continue to pay more and more for tuition fees and books, while the students are essentially, paying more money for less commodities. Cabrillo will need to cut one in every thirteen classes in the schedule, while they will be losing space for seven hundred and eighty full time students.

         As a college student I have seen these budget cuts first hand, and seen what these affects have on students, families, teachers, and the community. When I first began attending Cabrillo College in the spring of 2009, classes were large and many people were turned away from classes due to size and were forced to try again in a later semester due to the budget cuts, class sizes and classes as a whole were being cut each semester. Since then, it has only become worse, classes are at maximum capacity forcing teachers to add more students than is possible, making it difficult for students to get the classes they need. Not to mention tuition has continued to increase every semester from 26 dollars per unit of spring 2010 now reaching 46 dollars per unit in 2012. These increases in tuition every semester have forced me only to sign up for the classes I need to transfer, nothing that could seem interesting to me. It has limited me from branching out and trying new things and experiencing what college should be like, trying to explore new classes and ideas and I feel has been a factor in choosing a major. If Proposition 30 doesn’t pass I can’t imagine what will happen at Cabrillo, an additional cut of 7.3% which would result in losing space for 780 students would force the classes to be larger with the higher demand and larger amount of students. One in thirteen classes would be cut as well as eliminating five average sized programs or majors forcing students to miss out on opportunity to branch out and try different classes and more importantly it is taking jobs away from teachers.

         A counterpoint to this argument is that it simply is not fair to tax those that make more than 250,000 dollars annually. Many people believe it should be spread out evenly throughout the upper and middle class in order for schools to get these funds. Drastic times count for drastic measures and if we want to save education in California we need the highest earners to take action and help out the state by understanding what this tax is for and how important it is for the future of California. Some believe there should be other ways to fund education rather than continuing to raise sales taxes. But time is simply running out and as a state so are the funds. We must quickly and effectively save the education system and by these increases in taxes all going into the EPA fund we can ensure that these funds are safe and will be used the right way within the public education system, community colleges, CSU’s, and public safety.

         I plan to continue to attend college and am looking at transferring to a CSU very soon and look forward to getting an education in California. If Prop. 30 wasn’t to pass I don’t know if that would be possible. My chances of being accepted would decrease, many classes would be cut, and tuition may be something I simply cannot afford. This has revealed to me what the state is doing to students, oppressing us by taking away so much from our education while we continue work so hard.It feels like our future is coming down to what happens at the polls this November, Proposition 30 must pass if we want to see a bright future in education and even for the coming generation to be able to experience education the right way, and the way it should be. I know I’m not the only one with this problem, many people in California are facing these same consequences and the future of California is in our hands forcing us to get out and vote for Proposition 30 to revamp education in this wonderful state we are so fortunate to live in.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Prop 30. Op-Ed Final Draft: Education Conservation

     Our country is in a serious economic crisis and an education has become increasingly more difficult to obtain for many people because of the incredibly low budget schools are forced to run on. Along with the budget cuts every school is being forced to cut out faculty, students, and crucial programs making it almost unattainable for so many in a state where anything should be attainable. Proposition 30, proposed by Governor Jerry Brown, would temporarily increase income and sales tax for those in the state of California. If Prop. 30 passes in November we could see the budget gap reduced drastically helping out schools and public safety in California making the “dream” more attainable for everyone.

     Proposition 30 will provide funding for K-12 schools and California’s higher education from a temporary four year income tax increase to individuals earning more that 250,000 dollars or couples together earning 500,000 dollars. More revenue would come from a statewide .25 percent increase on sales tax (25 cents/ $100). 90 percent of Prop. 30’s revenue would be generated from taxing the highest earners to fund public education and safety. If passed, Prop. 30 would fund K-12 schools in California, which would avoid cutting three weeks of school the next school year, a 250 million dollar cut to CSU’s is prevented which would help avoid class cuts, layoffs and enrollment cuts, 5.6 billion dollars would be freed up which could go to higher education, health care and other services, while a tuition buy-out for this year gets funded which CSU students would actually get a tuition refund of 498 dollars. If Prop. 30 does not pass, those three weeks would be cut out of the school year for K-12 schools creating problems for families and less education for students. CSU’s would face a 250 million dollar cut resulting in many problems such as: class cuts, layoff of faculty, staff, and even more enrollment cuts. CSU students can also expect an additional 150-dollar tuition increase for classes this spring.

         Community colleges are suffering as well, and if Prop. 30 is not passed they will face even more cuts and funding will decrease even more (7.3 %). Already Cabrillo has had to cut about four hundred classes some from every discipline across campus over the past three to four years. Course offerings have decreased by almost ten percent since Fall of 2011. Not to mention that staff, tutors, services, and hours have all been cut or drastically reduced. If Prop. 30 does not pass these trends will continue, while students will continue to pay more and more for tuition fees and books, while the students are essentially, paying more money for less commodities. Cabrillo will need to cut one in every thirteen classes in the schedule, while they will be losing space for seven hundred and eighty full time students.

         As a college student I have seen these budget cuts first hand, and seen what these affects have on students, families, teachers, and the community. When I first began attending Cabrillo College in the spring of 2009, classes were large and many people were turned away from classes due to size and were forced to try again in a later semester due to the budget cuts, class sizes and classes as a whole were being cut each semester. Since then, it has only become worse, classes are at maximum capacity forcing teachers to add more students than is possible, making it difficult for students to get the classes they need. Not to mention tuition has continued to increase every semester from 26 dollars per unit of spring 2010 now reaching 46 dollars per unit in 2012. These increases in tuition every semester have forced me only to sign up for the classes I need to transfer, nothing that could seem interesting to me. It has limited me from branching out and trying new things and experiencing what college should be like, trying to explore new classes and ideas and I feel has been a factor in choosing a major. If Proposition 30 doesn’t pass I can’t imagine what will happen at Cabrillo, an additional cut of 7.3% which would result in losing space for 780 students would force the classes to be larger with the higher demand and larger amount of students. One in thirteen classes would be cut as well as eliminating five average sized programs or majors forcing students to miss out on opportunity to branch out and try different classes and more importantly it is taking jobs away from teachers.

         A counterpoint to my argument would be that it simply is not fair to tax those that make more than 250,000 dollars annually. Many people believe it should be spread out evenly in order for schools to get the money we should all be paying even amounts. Drastic times count for drastic measures and if we want to save education in California we need the highest earners to take action and help out the state by understanding what this tax is for and how important it is for the future of California. Some believe there should be others ways to fund education rather than continuing to raise sales taxes. But time is simply running out and as a state so are the funds. We must quickly and effectively save the education system and by these increases in taxes all going into the EPA fund we can ensure that these funds are safe and will be used the right way within the public education system, community colleges, CSU’s, and public safety.

           I plan to continue to attend college and am looking at transferring to a CSU very soon and look forward to getting an education in California. If Prop. 30 wasn’t to pass I don’t know if that would be possible. My chances of being accepted would decrease, many classes would be cut, and tuition may be something I simply cannot afford. This has revealed to me what the state is doing to students, oppressing us by taking away so much from our education while we continue work so hard. The state is only taking things away from us by cutting billions of dollars from K-12 schools and colleges yet continue to increase tuition and expect us to continue to pay these absurd amounts for what is less of an education. It feels like our future is coming down to what happens at the polls this November, Proposition 30 must pass if we want to see a bright future in education and even for the coming generation to be able to experience education the right way, and the way it should be. I know I’m not the only one with this problem, many people in California are facing these same consequences and the future of California is in our hands forcing us to get out and vote for Proposition 30 to revamp education in this wonderful state we are so fortunate to live in.

Works Cited:

Reynolds, Mark. Op-Ed“Proposition 30 Won’t Fix California Budget Issues.”IVN, 10 Sept. 2012. Web.

Blumenstyk G. If Prop 30 Fails, What Then?. Chronicle Of Higher Education [serial online]. August 17, 2012;58(44):31. Available from: Academic Search Complete, Ipswich, MA.

Students for Quality Education (

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Rough Draft: Prop. 30 Op-Ed

Ian Marting
October 7, 2012
English 2

Our country is in a serious economic crisis and an education has become increasingly more difficult to obtain for so many because of the incredibly low budget schools are forced to run on. Along with the budget cuts every school is being forced to cut out faculty, students, and crucial programs making it almost unattainable for so many in a state where anything should be attainable. Proposition 30, proposed by Governor Jerry Brown, would temporarily increase income and sales tax for those in the state of California. If Prop. 30 passes in November we could see the budget gap reduced drastically helping out schools and public safety in California making the “dream” more attainable for everyone.

Proposition 30 will provide funding for K-12 schools and California’s higher education from a temporary, four year income tax increase to individuals earning more that 250,000 dollars or couples together earning 500,000 dollars. More revenue would come from a statewide .25 percent increase on sales tax (25 cents/ $100). 90 percent of Prop. 30’s revenue would be generated from taxing the highest earners to fund public education and safety. If passed, Prop. 30 would fund K-12 schools in California, which would avoid cutting three weeks of school the next school year, a 250 million dollar cut to CSU’s is prevented which would help avoid class cuts, layoffs and enrollment cuts, 5.6 billion dollars would be freed up which could go to higher education, health care and other services, while a tuition buy-out for this year gets funded which CSU students would actually get a tuition refund of 498 dollars. If Prop. 30 does not pass, those three weeks would be cut out of the school year for K-12 schools creating problems for families and less education for students. CSU’s would face a 250 million dollar cut resulting in many problems such as: class cuts, layoff of faculty, staff, and even more enrollment cuts. CSU students can also expect an additional 150-dollar tuition increase for classes this spring.

Community colleges are suffering as well, and if Prop. 30 is not passed they will face even more cuts and funding will decrease even more (7.3 %). Already Cabrillo has had to cut about four hundred classes some from every discipline across campus over the past three to four years. Course offerings have decreased by almost ten percent since Fall of 2011. Not to mention that staff, tutors, services, and hours have all been cut or drastically reduced. If Prop. 30 does not pass these trends will continue, while students will continue to pay more and more for tuition fees and books, while the students are essentially, paying more money for less commodities. Cabrillo will need to cut one in every thirteen classes in the schedule, while they will be losing space for seven hundred and eighty full time students.

As a college student I have seen these budget cuts first hand, and seen what these affects have on students, families, teachers, and the community. When I first began attending Cabrillo College in the spring of 2009 classes were large and many people were turned away from classes due to size and were forced to try again in a later semester due to the budget cuts, class sizes and classes as a whole were being cut each semester. Since then, it has only become worse, classes are at maximum capacity forcing teachers to add more students than is possible, making it difficult for students to get the classes they need. Not to mention tuition has continued to increase every semester from 26 dollars per unit of spring 2010 now reaching 46 dollars per unit in 2012. These increases in tuition every semester have forced me only sign up for the classes I need to transfer, nothing that could seem interesting to me. It has limited me from branching out and trying new things and experiencing what college should be like, trying to explore new classes and ideas and I feel has been a factor in choosing a major. If Proposition 30 doesn’t pass I can’t imagine what will happen at Cabrillo, an additional cut of 7.3% which would result in losing space for 780 students would force the classes to be larger with the higher demand and larger amount of students. One in thirteen classes would be cut as well as eliminating five average sized programs or majors forcing students to miss out on opportunity to branch out and try different classes and more importantly it is taking jobs away from teachers.

I plan to continue to attend college and am looking at transferring to a CSU very soon and look forward to getting an education in California. If Prop. 30 wasn’t to pass I don’t know if that would be possible, my chances of being accepted would decrease, many classes would be cut, and tuition may be something I simply cannot afford. This has revealed to me what the state is doing to students, oppressing us by taking away so much from our education while we continue work so hard. The state is only taking things away from us by cutting billions of dollars from K-12 schools and colleges yet continue to increase tuition and expect us to continue to pay these absurd amounts for what is less of an education. It feels like our future is coming down to what happens at the polls this November, Proposition 30 must pass if we want to see a bright future in education and even for the coming generation to be able to experience education the right way, and the way it should be. I know I’m not the only one with this problem, many people in California are facing these same consequences and the future of California is in our hands forcing us to get out and vote for Proposition 30 to revamp education in this wonderful state we are so fortunate to live in.